Is it possible to live free from fear in this dangerous and unpredictable world? Yes, it most definitely is! Because protection is a...
Is it possible to live free from fear in this dangerous and unpredictable world? Yes, it most definitely is! Because protection is a...
In the early days when I began to develop my walk with God several years ago; I heard the Spirit of God say to me “You can be extremely...
It is so easy to get stuck in one's past after the loss of a loved one. It could be due to fear of failure or fear of another loss,...
Creation began with an idea. It was first of all an idea in the mind of God until it became a reality. One major way that God introduces...
Miracles are the acts of God but it can be initiated by men; in so many cases in scriptures miracles were provoked by a deliberate and...
These very familiar verses have to do with praying to get results or have your prayers answered: 1. Go to The WORD When You Need to Get...
One of the most dangerous decisions we can make in life is to give up on ourselves. When certain expectations are not met within a frame...
Jesus compares the workings of the kingdom of God to planting seeds in the earth. “When the seed is sown,” He said, “it grows up....”...
Perseverance is the key to success in intercession! Why? It’s certainly not because you have to change God’s mind. He never changes. His...
As long as you live on this earth, you’re going to be saddled with a weakness. What is it? The flesh and blood body you live in. It’s a...
Most of us think that the fruit of the spirit is a list of pleasant qualities that can help improve their personalities. But it’s far...
If I were to ask you to make a list of a hundred things you need to do to please the Lord today, you could do it, couldn’t you? In fact,...
The high life...or the low life? God’s kind of life...or the world’s kind of life? You can’t have them both. It’s one or the other. You...
Patience is the ability to stand fast on the Word of God even when your victory seems slow in coming. Patience is not automatic. It won’t...
When we gave our lives to Christ and received the Holy Spirit so many things took place within us. One of these is that the nature of God...
God knows the end from the beginning of our lives, where we are is not a surprise to Him. In Luke 8, Jesus implored His disciples to come...
The state of our hearts; our inward disposition and the content of our character make who we are inside. The state of our hearts can be...
Did you know that Jesus has unlocked the prison doors of guilt that have kept you captive? It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve...
God’s rest. But exactly what is that rest? And how do we enter it? The third and fourth chapters of Hebrews compare God’s rest with the...
Do you really believe that you need to watch over your mouth? Some say things like: “I’m just sure I’m going to get the sick during this...