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Writer's pictureGrief to Grace Ministry


Imagine someone comes to your house to help you paint some bedrooms, but it becomes clear that he doesn’t want to be there. He complains the whole time. There’s not one smile or kind word. He clearly feels a sense of obligation and duty to be there. There’s no love, no joy and no warmth in his presence. Would you want that help? No way! Please stay home!

God has feelings too. He doesn’t want us to give ourselves to him with a reluctant, begrudging attitude. If we give reluctantly, out of duty, it ruins the whole thing. After all, God wants our heart, not our money.

However, when we give to God out of sheer joy, when we have a blast giving to God, when it’s so much fun for us – well, that’s a different story. A very different story. God loves that kind of giving.

After all, cheerful giving is evidence that we love God and we trust God. Why do you give cheerfully? Because you love him and you are delighted to give to him. And you trust him. You know he will take care of you and provide for you, so it’s a pleasure to give. Cheerful giving always reveals a heart that loves God and trusts God, but joyless giving reveals a heart full of religion and duty.

Don't allow the pains of your loss deprive you of His blessings.

Giving brings joy.


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

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