Audition is a process where individuals are selected to perform a role. Different criteria are usually used to select the best, depending on the role to play. The basis for selection is usually based on external characters.
God needed to pick a king over Israel so he sent Prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse to do the audition. Each of the sons were presented to display themselves. From the natural standpoint Eliab had the physical features to be selected above every other person. This is usually the human pattern of audition.
Somehow God did not accept that selection. This was basically because God was not looking at the same thing. Prophet Samuel was looking at the eternal features; God was looking at the internal features. Man was looking at the outward appearance while God was looking at the heart.
When God sees in us a pure and a right heart we are positioned to be selected for great assignments in life. The inward appearance is far more important than the outward appearance. What makes a man is not the type of cloth he wears, but the kind of virtue at work inside the man.
Divine audition is going on right now; God is on the lookout for men and women that can be used to change communities and affect generations yet unborn. Strangely enough David was not even at home when the “audition” took place in his house. The search eyes of God located him where he was. It does not matter where life has placed you if your heart is right the hand of God will locate you.
1 Samuel 16:7b
For the Lord seeth not as man; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”