Starting life again after the passing of my husband was the most difficult thing for me to think of. I didn't see myself starting life again without him, having been together for that much with him carrying some responsibilities i never asked how he was doing it.
From our anchor scripture today a wise man or woman is clearly seen by their attitude to life. A wise person is a builder. They build great academics, families, businesses etc. Life is full of “raw materials”, God hardly gives us anything in a finished state. God does not give a bricklayer a house. What God gives is sand, water, wood etc.; it’s the responsibility of an individual to put together the raw materials and build a beautiful edifice out of it.
You can start building your life back gradually with what you have, who you are, and who you have. Comparing your lost loved one with everyone around you wouldn't make healing easy on you, remember that person didn't also grow with you over time.
God brings us someone that does not look like they are going somewhere; but with that person God expects us to build a great marriage.
Each one of us must recognize the “raw materials” God has given us in life to build the kind of life he wants us to have.
God brought to David men that were in distress, in debt and discontented; he did not despise them. Out of these “useless” men he built a great army that helped him in all his battles. Only God knows how many things and people God has brought our way in life that we despised. So many times prayers look unanswered because we were expecting God to give us a “finished product” but he gave us “raw materials” unaware. Wise people recognize opportunities.
Proverbs 14:1
Every wise woman buildeth her house