You may feel it is useless to talk about your grief because no one truly understands what you are going through.
You sometimes feel after an experience like this that you're speaking a foreign language. And from what makes it more difficult is that these are feelings that you cannot put into words. So nobody can know what you're feeling. There is absolutely no way anyone can know the depth of your pain. So you feel like it's futile to talk about it because words can't express the pains.
Although countless people have experienced grief before you, each person's response to grief is different. Your path of grief will be uniquely your own.
Be encouraged that regardless of how your grief appears to you or others, it has a precious uniqueness to the One who created you. God, who knows intimately your personality, your relationships, and the experiences of your life, knows your grief and isn't shocked or surprised by your responses.
"O LORD, You have examined my heart and know everything about me.... Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex.... You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed" (Psalm 139:1, 14, 16 NLT).