David’s throne leading to Jesus's birth has been in God’s plan before the foundation of the earth.
God designed for David’s great-great-great grandmother Naomi to relocate to Moab, to lose her sons & husband, so that in bitterness she will give up on Moab and move back to Bethlehem, and her grieving daughter-in-law will follow her to Bethlehem. Oprah did not go because she was not part of the plan.
Naomi never had any idea that she was being blessed while she was being broken. That her grieving heart and bitterness in her spirit were part of greater things that God made for her to be uncommonly blessed. God made for Ruth to be so much in love with her, she couldn’t leave her.
That kind of love doesn’t just happen, it is a divine set up. Ruth being a gentile, a Moabite, she is not even a part of the covenant. Jesus was to be born through Naomi’s lineage in Bethlehem, God was setting it up through Naomi’s ordeal.
Details in the book of Ruth.
As you cry, remember to praise Him too, the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord.
In this season of your life, God will draw people to you that will just take genuine interest to help you. Those that have disappointed you or left you are not meant to be part of your story going forward. Stop feeling bad about yourself or those people. Stop faulting yourself, its part of His divine agenda. Let them go.
My direct relatives, in-laws, closest friends and church members taunted me the most in the season of my grief. I was betrayed, rejected, cheated, lies were cooked up to discredit me, I was ashamed, and completely broken. I had to deal with all these for almost 9 years. BUT GOD PROVED HIMSELF AND VISITED ME. He raised uncommon help for me in the headquarters of the other religion. The only support I got came from those people.
God will go to any length to restore you.
Yes, it is painful but try to consciously relieve yourself once in a while so that it doesn't affect your health. The thoughts of the loss and the pains are usually too oppressive on the physical and the spiritual immune system.
I wasted a great part of my life brooding over those who betrayed me, those who left or hated me.
Don’t fall into that trap like I did. Look unto God, He is the only one that cannot fail you. More so, He already got you covered, just wait on Him, and don’t seek for an alternative.
Allow God to build you back. Anything you build yourself, you have to maintain yourself.
It is all part of His divine plan!!!
Isaiah 14:24 (NIV)
The Lord Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.