If you don’t take a stand of faith then you will find yourself under the influence and control of what you are going through.
Adam and Eve lost their ground to the deception of the enemy. They were mandated to take charge and be in dominion. The enemy came with his lies and deceptions, they could not take a stand and lost it to the devil.
Being entangled means being free from something, but allowing it to get hold of you again.
Grief could yoke one so easily, because it's easy to justify the reasons you are yoked to your past life with your loved one.
The truth is that moving on is not easy emotionally. The flesh is not strong at all when grief strikes, no matter your hierarchy of spirituality. The most authentic place to be is to trust God blindly.
Wherever you plug yourself must be subjected to the word of God.
Just to encourage you this morning. It is fine to feel grieved, but plan your ways of getting ahead when the pressure is less emotional. Don't waste too much time, God is waiting on you to achieve and lift some destinies.
Galatians 5:1
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of slavery.