Children need their parents to model healthy behaviors.
They need to see their parents dealing with grief in a healthy way so that they can learn to do the same.
I was not open with my grief at first with my husband's death. My children couldn't bring up the discussions freely because they were conscious of my negative reactions to it, they were not really expressive about their emotions.
Looking back now, that was quite unfair on their part. I should have modeled that better. Unfortunately, I was too caught up in my own pains.
Take heart; you are better equipped than you think.
These daily devotions are a guide for your journey, not only your journey of grief, but also your journey of knowledge and wisdom.
You are to learn how to teach your children the source of true healing, and try to make it your priority. Teach them to stay consistently with The Word, even though they sometimes feel disappointed and betrayed by His promises that did not work at the time ( i felt the same way too), because there is really no other way.
Matthew 19:14
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these'"