People that want you to be loyal to them at the expense of your relationship with God – Thank God for great people that God has placed in our path in life. Thank God for great parents, uncles, guardians, teachers, siblings etc. But none of them is great enough to become a semi-god in our lives. There is an allegiance to God that none of these people is qualified to have.
It’s not rude when we let people around know that we have a commitment to God that can never be compromised, either by verbalizing it or expressing it.
The wife of Joseph’s master wanted to have a sexual relationship with Joseph. The woman must have been taking good care of him specially. But Joseph knew that he wouldn't have been loyal to her at the expense of his relationship with God. Joseph knew that it was better to lose the favor of the man than to lose the favor of God. He disappointed the woman. Even though he had suffered in prison for over two years because of an offense he did not commit.
You should not be afraid of what a mortal man will do to you while your relationship with God is suffering. The writer to the Hebrew said “...For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we can boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” (Heb 13:5-6). The fear of man brings a man into bondage.
The three Hebrew boys were threatened to become loyal to the king more than they were to God or else they will die. This is usually the trend. A boyfriend says “if you don’t sleep with me, I will not marry you”. An employer says “you must go out with me to get the job”. If you don’t disappoint such people, they will destroy your destiny.
No mortal man will take the place of God in my life. No man will be more important than God for me.