David's brothers were busy in the house displaying seniority, while he was busy in the bush preparing for a throne he was unaware of.
It doesn’t matter who is ahead of you or doing better than you today as long as you maintain an attitude of preparation, your own opportunity will also come to meet you prepared. Preparation period looks insignificant, uncelebrated, and unnoticeable. A lot of people get discouraged, and quit. The time of Joseph in the prison was a preparation process for him. He interpreted dreams for the servants and wasn’t rewarded for it at that moment. That experience prepared him for his eventual opportunity.
The days of preparation are usually days behind the scenes that do not require too much public view. Too much attention will become a distraction to sabotage the process. Everyone who is on the stage of life today was once behind the scene. This is a time when character and resilience is built into our spirit.
The days or years of preparation differ from one person to another depending on what God is bringing each person into.
Physicians take longer than nurses to prepare even though they are both in the medical profession. I’m sure you can relate. Cocoa trees take longer to prepare for fruits, than corn. Don't comparing yourself with anyone.
See 2022 as your year of preparation that will matter for the rest of your life.
1 Sam 17:34-35
And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb ...I went out after him