Miracles are the acts of God but it can be initiated by men; in so many cases in scriptures miracles were provoked by a deliberate and determined step taken by an individual. We can therefore initiate a miracle in any area of our lives.
The woman with the issue of blood was not on Jesus' agenda for that particular day. Jesus was on his way to attend to another person. Jesus did not even know that she was there in the crowd. But the woman recognised that this was a divine moment she could not afford to miss. She had a conversation with herself. She did not wait for someone to encourage her to do so. She pressed through the crowd by faith to get her miracle. It was not just the virtue of Jesus; her faith drew it out. We also needed to watch out for the step of faith we need to take to experience a miracle.
The widow of Zarephath needed a miracle to eat all through the period of famine; but she needed to sow the seed of the little she had. The Prophet made that demand on her and she obliged. In many cases when you ask God for a miracle he will in turn ask you for a seed. If the woman had not given her last meal to Elijah God would have fed him somewhere else but the woman would have lost a miracle. It’s my prayer that God will open your eyes to know what steps to take to experience a miracle in your life.
Mark 5:28
For she said, If I may touch but his cloths, I shall be whole.