Many people become wiser, more humane, more compassionate, and more fully human after experiencing grief. In this way, grief sets you apart. People who have gone through it are different.
It will change you. You will do a 180-degree turn. When you go to a funeral home, from then on you will know what those people are going through; you'll know what you can do to help them.
Before now, you would have wondered why people grief for so long, or grief so deep that they find it difficult to get out of it. But after you've lost a loved one, you have a totally different concept of what people go through when they grief.
I think you can be a better minister, and I think God gives you some of these things to use in your own personal ministry. So it will change you.
Change is difficult, and all people experience change throughout their lives. God, though, remains the same-a solid refuge and fortress.
Malachi 3:6
"I the Lord do not change".
Hebrews 13:8
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever".