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The scripture today is a description of the earth at the beginning of creation. One description mentioned that the Earth was “void” This means empty. God actually made all that he made out of nothing.

Hebrews 11: 3 says “…Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” The Message translation of the Bible says “…What we see created by what we don’t see.” God in his infinite wisdom created everything we see today out of nothing.

God is still in the business of doing the same thing. The present state of our lives is not a shock to God. Your life may look empty today because of your loss, but something great can come out of it if you will allow the wisdom of God to take over that aspect of your life.

This is actually good news to us. So much beauty and riches can come out of our lives to whatever degree we desire it. We all have the responsibility to fill up the empty areas of our lives with the word of God. Even though we say God created something out of nothing we must understand that the word of God was the material that God used to fill up the empty earth that he saw.

The word of God is actually a major material in our lives. A man cannot really say “I have nothing to use or start my life” if he has the word of God. This was all that God had at creation. He has made his word available to us. It’s no longer up to God but up to what we do with the word of God. If a man has everything and does not have the word of God there is still a major vacuum.

Heb. 11:3a says “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God….” Read the word, know the word, memorize the word, meditate on it, and declare it with your mouth. Something great is coming out of your life.

Happy new month!


I have the word of God; I have everything. My life is full of divine possibilities.

Gen 1:2

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the deep…”

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