During His extended days of fasting and prayers, seeking the face of God for directions for His earthly ministry, Jesus was tempted by Satan, but He did not give up. His persistence and endurance against all odds gave Him victory over Satan, and He got His crown.
Satan in the life of Jesus represents the battles and the challenges you are going through now. It may seem like the situation is overwhelming, that you might not make it through. Standing firm, praying consistently, focusing on God, and not giving up is the way through to victory and stability?
After a while, Satan departed from Him, and the angels came to help, and to celebrate with him.
Likewise, your angels, your helpers will come and celebrate you and with you when the storm is over.
When my husband passed away about 15 years ago, I never knew I could survive it. Looking back now, I thank God that I did not give up as I was tempted to. I wouldn't have been here, God would have given this assignment to another.
Please, don't give up in prayers and in your faith. It will all come to pass in joy in Jesus name.
Your miracle is on the way, God will send all the help and support you need to go through this season.
Matthew 4:11
Then the devil departed from Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.