The last thing you desire when grief strikes is the Word of God. We listen more and act on other people's criticisms, accusations and condemnation. We are quicker to act on those than plugging into the Word of God.
In my case, I got so consumed with those criticisms, that I spent so much time and energy defending and explaining myself to people (one-on-one) where possible. To some that were accusing me of being responsible for my husband's death. All that was left for me to do was to go on CNN to analyze my own part of the story with a press conference. I was emotionally and physically devastated, coupled with the pain of the loss. I was physically drying up.
Then someone sent me the popular message I posted on this platform titled "EXCUSE ME LORD, I HAVE A QUESTION".
The Words were so soothing and comforting that I was able to sleep through the night for the first time after about three weeks.
Apparently, I left out the most important remedy of the Word, and destroyed my body with irrelevant words of mere men.
The word of God written inside the Bible will not make any difference in our lives until it leaves the pages of scripture to take charge and control of a man’s life. The word of God will produce results only to the extent to which we have allowed it to take charge of our lives. It’s not just enough to read it or hear it; it has to become a way of thinking and a way of life for it to produce results.
Meditation is a very crucial process by which the word of God takes over our thinking and over our mouth. There are no two ways about it. What we set our minds on is what eventually dominates us and controls our lives. Thinking about an issue over and over again is what mediation is all about.
It’s possible that we set our minds on challenges or the words of an adversary. That brings confusion, depression and hopelessness. Whatever dominates your mind will rule your life.
The Word works!!!
My mind is set on the word of God. My mind is taken over by the light of God’s word. I’m flooded with truth and righteousness in my spirit by His word.
Joshua 1:8 AMPC
This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.